
Taking a breather

I am in all meanings of the word, taking a breather and letting it all in...(eating so much homey food)
Letting it all hang out...(wearing sweat pants all moments of the day possible)
Smelling the flowers...(walking by flower stores and sticking my head in bouquets)

I am so HAPPY to be home!
This is my first time coming home from a big trip and having a home to come back to, and that feeling in itself has made me a great big pile of positive crap!  I'm an ooze of smiley euphoria.  Never before have I gone from a long term travel and not had the stress and freak out of coming back to a pile of emotional and physical shit to deal with and a mess of a life to put back together.  I don't have to move!  I don't have to plan a new life in a new place.  I can even take my time in finding a job as if it isn't a life emergency but just a thing I want to do..like going out for dinner, or going for a walk!  Casual!
WHAT?!?!? No emergency mode?  Incredible!

I am literally at a point where I'm smiling just sitting at my kitchen table alone just thoroughly enjoying the moment.  Probably the perfect mental place to be for a job hunt!  Fingers crossed I find that perfect gig with weekends off and reasonable wages doing something I enjoy.  What will this be at this point?  I'm open to anything that fills the above categories.  We'll see!   But like I said, there's no pressure.

AHHH.  Sigh.  Deep Breath.  Lettin' it all in, all hang out, all at once.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Good luck and enjoy! Breathe it in :)

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...