
bread, bread, bread!

I'm on a roll!  (pun unintentionally intended)

After rye bread, I moved on to hot cross buns - which involve using potato water to raise the yeast and mashed potatoes to add fluffiness...these were good!  I added lemon zest in to the dough and lemon juice in the frosting....oh so good!

Yesterday, I made up some classic hot dog buns:

Last night, I attacked yet another sweet dough recipe!
This circle of love is called a Swedish Tea Ring!

Raw ring raising

Baked tea ring with almond sugar glaze (inside: walnuts, figs and cinnamon)

If I keep this up, I'm going to get fat!


Home is where the stuff is.

It has become pretty obvious to the family and friends we've been around...
probably to the point of annoying...
We need a home.  We need it bad!

We are talking basics...no deep metaphors...walls and a floor filled with our own personal stuff!
After living a lifestyle which is the antithesis to Hoarders with two pairs of underwear and a tooth brush on our backs, we almost need some kind of coaxing therapy just to start purchasing things again.  Even Williams Sonoma has lost its sparkle to me.  It's been so long since I've had my own bathroom, I don't even know where my make up is anymore!  Do I even have make up?

We are getting a little weird!  Walking in circles, catatonic states, wearing purple everyday...ok, not that bad, but seriously!  Examples?  Oh yeah, I've got em....

Walking into kitchen sections of department stores where we don't necessarily want to buy anything, we just mourn our boxed up old friends.  "Rodolfo, look at this slicer/chopper/grinder/holder/place mat/thing a ma jig, "We had one of these, right?  Doesn't this look just like ours?!?  Where is ours?  Did we throw it away?"  and then we kind of look at each other puzzled, because we can't remember and walk away confused.

"Do you smell a barbecue?  We have a grill don't we?!?  Where is it again?"

"Wow!  I really love this couch!  Hmmm...I wonder when we are going to have a couch...."

Over and over again it comes up here and there...we are so home sick for a home!

We boxed up and stored/sold most of our belongings in mid December of 2009...we will be moving into our sublet/furnished apartment later this week which will make it a year and a half since we lived together somewhere that was ours alone with our own things.  For me, to go without my dish set, mixing bowls and matching rubbermaid tupperware set, this is a very long time!  (Gosh, I sound so American!)

our beloved pet Paz rejoining the family soon!

We are pretty sure we have some stuff around, we just have NO CLUE where or what anything is anymore!  It's like a really, really big birthday present waiting to be opened, but about 300 presents at once, because we can't remember what we have!  Talk about exciting!

It's going to be so much fun to meet and greet all of our old things and see what's made it through....consolidating not only our things, but our minds into a new reality.  Coming from a life style where owning less meant moving faster, this is definitely going to be an interesting transition!


Rockin Rye Bread

Over this past week, my mom has graciously been teaching me how to make bread!  With yeast!

Yeast breads have scared me for so long, because I'm afraid of killing it and it takes a bit of effort to get it right.

Yesterday marked my first ever *made totally by me* rye bread!  Rock!

Here's how it all went down!

Step 1:  Growing
The Beastie Yeasties!!!!!!
You have to get em kickin'!
How's this done?  Feed em!

2 cups warmer then tepid water
2 packages beastie yeasties
1 tsp salt
1tbsp oil
1/2 cup brown sugar

Think positive growing thoughts for a while, and tada!  THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!!  AHHH!!!!!


Step 2:  Stirring
I added 2 1/2 cups white flour and beat it to death until I got bored/it looked like:

Step 3:  Kneading

Then I added 2 1/2 cups rye flour until it got nice and ballish looking and it needed some kneading!

I gotta say, I really love kneading bread now...it's extremely therapeutic!  Kind of a half punching someone in the gut mixed with giving someone a back massage....kind of in between the two.

Step 4:  Waiting!
Once it had that "je ne sais quoi" thing...I don't know what it is, but once it's there, you know and you stop kneading, I shaped it into a ball, slam dunked it in a bowl and covered that puppy up with a plate and proceeded to check my email about 100 times, read the news, looked for jobs and failed yet again at passing a level on Angry Birds...right after all that!  (2 hours) Step 5!

Step 5: Poking and Punching!
You poke it!  If it doesn't jump back at you, you get to punch it!

Step 6: Cut it in half, shape it into two balls, cover with a towel and wait again!

Then it looks like this!

Slitting the top can help give the bread balls of love room for growth while baking away.

Step 7: Bake it up!!!!!  Until it sounds hollow when you thump it!

We enjoyed my fantastical rye bread with some homemade soup for lunch:  Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!


Up Nort'

Lake Superior + Minnesota Wilderness
After one day for S&R to R&R at my parents house last week, we were back on the road, this time with my folks for a week of Northern Minnesota explorations,

which also meant spending Mothers Day with....

MY MOM!!!!!

Mom day in Grand Marais!
(Me + Mom)
First 4 wheeling in Two Harbors with Jaren
This past Monday (May 9th) also marked our second Anniversary as a married couple of kooks.  6 years together so far!  Go us!

We've had quite a ride so far, I'm curious to find out what happens next!

We began our journey in Duluth where we did all the required Duluthian things!  Eating ribs at Buffalo House (oh, how we missed meat smothered in American barbecue sauce!!!!), looking at Minnesotan animals at the zoo, walking along the boardwalk overlooking Lake Superior, admiring the lighthouse, taking a tour/sampling of Fitgers Brewery.  Good times!

Heading north we stopped by a few must see State Parks!  (Minnesota has some amazing parks) 

The fam in front of Gooseberry Falls
Then we went for a few days to an Indian Reservation/Casino in Grand Portage!  First time gambling ($20 won on penny slots, yay!) and first time walking along the border with Canada overlooking some gorgeous waterfalls and appreciating Minnesotan nature!

R meets Split Rock
When you're in the North of Minnesota, it's mandatory to spend some time with nature!  It's the #1 thing to do, because you're surrounded by it!!  With well maintained State Parks to meander thru at whatever level of hiking you feel up for, camping, picnic sites, well marked trails...it's hiker heaven!

We went to:
Gooseberry Falls - for waterfall watching
Split Rock Light House - for light house watching
Grand Portage - for Canada watching
Judge C.R. Magney  - for cliff wandering overlooking a raging river rapids

Grand Portage State Park (middle Pigeon Falls)
What I'm amazed at about these beautiful parks is that not only can you buy an annual pass and just wander in and out all year round, but there's free public working toilets complete with T.P. and hand soap, easy free parking, beautifully clean and sometimes cemented trails, easily viewable maps, pretty much all the things you don't find in National Parks else where's in the world  - expensive, dirty, difficult, no maps (unless you pay more) usually no free parking - even for your bike or moped and a working toilet that's free?!?!?!?  I like Minnesota! 

On this trip North, we were on a strict diet of Minnesotan food, which was a bit of a culture shock, but for me, a welcomed one....not for my waistline, but for my heart!

unlimited coffee at Betty's Pies near Two Harbors MN

Broasted Chicken (pressure cooked and roasted)
Wild Rice  - a Minnesotan favorite
Barbecued ribs - we had them with a "32 ounce"... Blue moon - with orange wedge...oh soooooo good!
Unlimited refills of fresh coffee drunk out of a great big mug!  How I have missed you free refills!!!!
American style rhubarb/berry pie
Potatoes (skillet style, in fry form, sweet potato fry form, mashed with gravy all over them, good god!)

It's interesting how traveling for so long in so many other places has fueled my fascination and interest for learning about my own culture/heritage/family/home and how that has an impact on how I view the world.  

Minnesotans really love:
Bear Proof Trash Receptacle!
Hiking - not walking, not strolling, good ol' day long ventures hiking woodsy paths where you need a map, some sun screen, bug spray and a jug of water just to survive, and people love it here!  I had no idea how special and unique our hiking/biking paths are in comparison to the rest of the world.  In every city and town in Minnesota, you are guaranteed to find a trail of some kind to wander on.  

A deal - I'm pretty sure now it's not just me that's a 'cheap skate' in MN based on recent events.  If it's free, it's good!  We partook in a free brewery tour, train tour, zoo tour with lots of other little freebies along the way and we weren't alone!  I'm from the land of coupon clippers and deal finders...it's in the blood!  There is a reason why Costco and Sam's Club are so popular here!  We love a deal!!!

You're in MN when you walk by "Sven and Ole's Pizza"!

Ya hey - Believe it or not, us Minnesotans have an accent!  A big thick one.  I know you don't believe me, because us Minnesotan's like to think we talk like news anchors and everyone else has the problem, but no, we've got our own bit of twang goin' on!  I find myself saying odd things now like, "ya know?!?" (Chile: Cachai?) "ba-bye!" (chao-chao!) "where we goin'?" (vamos?) "how ya doin?" (como tai?) etc. etc. etc..  "gosh darn" (chucha!), "shoot" (mierda!), "holy - anything" (puta la hueva), put me in Minnesota and it all comes gushing out, more so now then ur' average Joe (Juan Perez)


23 hours

We had a 23 hour commute from Rodolfo's father's doorstep to my parents house.

15 hours in airplanes
6 hours in airports
2 hours in cars

I'm not the biggest fan of Delta airplane food.
A roll with cracker and pasta is not a meal!  It's a bad quality carb overload!

Lower left corner?!?  Our luggage!!!!

There is always a list of eccentric things that float into my mind coming back to the States, from people, signs, the nightmare that is U.S. Customs.... 

Immediate First impressions:
  • Lemonade powder - I saw a guy adding a packet to his bottle....I used to do this, but I haven't seen it in so long, it really cracked me up!!
  • Long lines for Starbucks.  This would just never happen in Chile.  Never!
  • Actually understanding passing conversations...I really missed this!  I know.  It's rude.  But getting to hear a funny sentence while passing by a couple of businessman is SO MUCH FUN!!!  
  • Accents!  We were waiting for a flight to Denver Colorado and a group of cowboys on a business trip sat next to us, complete with jeans, work boots, business shirts and the cutest little accent ever!
  • People with stuff.  Holy cow do people have stuff here!  Is it me, or do purses seem huge here?  Granted, we were in an airport and I looked like a crazy person with my purse stuffed to the gills and my back pak overloaded with electronic gear and Chilean nik naks....but geez louise
  • Clean, not pretty.  I don't know, it's weird, but Chile is a dirty city, but in that dirt, it has a kind of funky character....I forgot how clean everything is here, but lacking in character....just in streets and buildings....boooooring.
  • Warmth.  Physically and mentally.  I'm going to miss the Santiago sun and quite honestly...hugs and kisses.  I'm going to miss beso-ing (kissing) everyone!  It used to freak me out, but looking back, it was nice to have a set warm greeting when seeing a friend or meeting someone new....a sort of physical way to feel actually welcomed and warmed by another persons presence. 
  • Upon entering the MPLS airport, I heard 100's of people with my exact same accent!  Other potential "Sarah's" who look a little like me, sound like me, dress like me!  SO COOL!!!!!
That all being said, it's so nice to be back!!!  We made it intact with all luggage and no broken pisco bottles (whew) and I'm soooooo happy to see my family again!  Take a hot shower.  Eat chocolate chip cookies, homemade blueberry coffee cake (thanks mom) and freshly brewed, real, authentic, straight from the actual bean coffee!!!!

I'm so happy!!!!


Adios Chicos, ca chai?!?

a Rodolfo creation

We are going to miss Chile!

No more terror

Midnight last night:
Sarah, you won't believe what happened!
Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Then we watched Obama's (kick ass) speech online.

I think almost everyone in the States today and everywhere else feels some kind of ripple of joy and triumph....for all of the bad in the world, today things are looking up a little, particularly for the families of the victims of 9/11....today is FINALLY their day!  

Whenever I hear stories about the Pinochet dictatorship here in Chile, I always think, wow, I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like to live in fear everyday for what you believe....what a horrible time in history...I'm so lucky to have grown up in a country of free speech and open minds....

But I have to admit now, looking back on my year of travel, I didn't know when I left the States that I would feel safer, I would sleep better, I would have an easier time living simply because I was not in the States.  I wasn't scared anymore.  I didn't feel afraid every day watching the news and reading the paper that some horrible person in the world wanted me dead simply because I was in America.  Granted...that's not even close to the fear of living under a dictatorship, but walking thru an airport in another country without getting groped and smelling nervous sweat in the air, everyone looking around them, suspicious of everyone and everything else...I would take my shoes off in line and realize I was the only one doing it!  Sometimes, they didn't even check our bags!

I can't help but hope, perhaps things will change now in the States!  A little more love and a little less hate.

We fly to the States tomorrow, an experience I usually dread with all the lines and regulations, screenings, prodings, nervous eyes in Rodolfo's slightly darker skinned direction and loud speakers reminding me every 5 minutes that the USA is under attack...code orange, yellow, red - people want you dead - don't forget! - you're in danger!

But today is a new day!  I'm excited to journey back to my country.  I'm excited for the true 'hope' that Obama has given us last night!  I know I sound like stars and stripes are flying out of my ^%$, but wow, what an incredible feeling!

A latte

It's funny with jobs. Most often the exact thing you do for work is probably not what you want to run home to do at night or on vacatio...