
biking to the grocery store

It was so nice out again, we decided to bike out to buy some fresh lettuce.
I took these just an hour ago on our bike back home.

There was a willow tree above this little tree...
I thought it looked like they were trying to hold hands!

I don't know if you can see all three planes in the air?  Well...
I loved how they all almost lined up with these cables all at once!

Sarah trying to take photos like a hipster....did it work?
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a winter wonderland

ok....so it's really more of a grassy wonderland!
Thanks to this crazy weather, R man and I took a walk around our neighborhood!
Here's what it looks like in our neck of the woods:

I've always biked by this and thought...man, what a beautiful warehouse!
3 blocks from home
old truck parked near the warehouse
East Johnson bridge near Tenney Park
Our new favorite neighborhood cozy brunch spot/bar
Ducks were out in full force!
I tried to explain directions to them, pointing and enunciating clearly..."SOUTH!  THAT WAY!"
.....but they just wobbled away!
My theory is that these geese in a line are simply walking South!
Attention ice fisherman!  I've found your ice!!!!
*make sure to bring your wet suit this year!
Walking back home across the Yahara River on Willy St.
The view of the capital a few blocks from home
Yay for winter nature photo walking!

A latte

It's funny with jobs. Most often the exact thing you do for work is probably not what you want to run home to do at night or on vacatio...