
Weird things about Africa

You can actually slip and fall on a banana peel in the street. People
throw them ( and other things) out the bus windows all the time!

Women in Malawi like to wear a skirt over their skirt - piece of
fabric with bright colors - and a favorite portrait is president
Obamas face in black and white.

People like to eat balls of fried dough. Here in Malawi they are
called Obamas! Noticing a popular theme? You can also buy Obama

Men hold hands in the street. PDAs are strongly discouraged among

Seeing a womens outline of upper leg is scandalous. But if you need to
pop a boob out to feed your 5 year old, no problem!

Buses are packed! Thank goodness food and cokes can be purchased,
opened and trash thrown thru your bus window! They even open your
coke using the bus window! Need to buy a cabbage for dinner? No
worries! It'll come thru the window on the ride!

Go ahead and eat your snack on the street with the vendor waiting.
Take your time. He'll wait. Don't forget to look unsatisfied and
vaguely throw the money in the vendors direction. It's all part of the

Here, a thumbs up is waaaay cooler then a wave!

Like your dinner fresh from the big city? Buy a live chicken and
bring it with you for the ride.

We love Africa! Particularly the public transit. It's always an

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Gratitude day 2

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