

This blog is about balls

Not the kind you play sports with....
I personally love the phrase, "oh balls" when something goes horribly wrong, but Chile takes it to an entirely different level!
Huevon, derived from the word Huevos, yes, eggs!  What do eggs remind you of in shape and size?


The word I was taught my first time in Chile wasn't Hola, it was Huevon!
Bienvenidos a Chile!
For a Chilean it is so much more!  It is EVERYWHERE, EVERYTHING, EVERYONE!!

There is a great deal of Chilean Spanish I have a hard time saying, not because I don't understand it, it's more of, did I just hear that?!?  Chileans use a lot of slang!  Dirty slang!  Huevon is just a mere glimpse of the avalanche of poetic loveliness....
between friends
father to son

Random meeting on the street:
Hola Juevon!  "Hello balls!"

Answering a phone call from your uncle you haven't seen in 2 years:
HUEVON!  Como 'tai'?  (Chilean pronunciation of Como estas)
"BALLS!  How are you?"

Or reverse it!  Como 'tai tu huevon?!?
"How are your balls?!?

It's pretty awesome!  I can't help but smile every time I hear it.

Juevon to me symbolizes the general attitude of Chile.
Great.  Big.  Balls.

Even the dogs in Chile have big balls, which can be a little unnerving for those of us growing up where dog gonads are rarely seen a danglin'!  Just THIS week, I witnessed two different canine couples copulating publicly.  I was not at all prepared.  In Chile, men are men and dogs have balls.  Nuf' said!

Big, small, heavy, itchy, tired, bored....there is some kind of Chilean saying for all of that!

Bad day?  Good day?  Grumpy boss?  Happy boss?  Toast is burning?  HUEVON!

Huevon is also a state of mind.  I guess I have to give Chile credit, the machismo (macho) cowboy attitude that I really only knew from Western movies growing up is alive and well here!  For better or for worse, I don't think it's going anywhere any time soon.  There is no such thing as politically correct and no one is off limits.  Anyone and anything can be turned into a huevon...err...joke.

My Chilean spouse is house trained with the laws of the liberal gringa land expectations (i.e. all chores are shared, whatever needs doing, you do it!) but I'd say for the most part, Chilena's like their men with some HUEVON!

I don't care if you do the dishes, as long as you fix my car and grill my meat!  HUEVON!

I have to admit, one of our first fights was over how to split the bill and the Huevon did finally win and pay for the entire meal...grr...  He also still opens doors for ladies, gives compliments, buys bottles of wine, total Gent....all thanks to Chile!  (I do secretly love this.)

He likes a cold beer after a sweaty soccer match and occasionally sits around proudly scratching his.....
I think you know what to call it now?!?

For me, I guess a little Huevon once in a while..never hurt anyone...

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