
to do lists

Something about the act of writing something down makes it more doable in my mind!

When I work in the bakery, my boss always gives me a list at the beginning of my shift and although I've never been in a habit to physically cross them off while I work, I'm doing it in my mind and at the end, right before I throw the little piece of paper away, I satisfyingly cross great big messy lines thru each and every thing!

Call me crazy, but I also do this on my day off!  On a little post it with a real pen...none of this computer list/app blah.  That doesn't count!

So far today I have:
make granola
credit union
paint patio
transfer seeds
research compost
?buy milk?
research camping
schedule a summer bbq/ice cream day
bike ride?
take photos at park
clean bath tub

I will do some of this, I will not do some of this, heck, I'll probably spend most of my free day watching movies on netflix in my sweat pants, but for some reason, because this list exists, I will most likely get quite a lot of it done!  If I had not written it first thing in the morning over a coffee, I probably wouldn't have thought of doing any of it and waste the day away on nothing productive at all.

Are you a list maker?  How does that work for you?!?


Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I am a list maker! I love the feeling of checking things off, so this keeps me going on the list!

Research compost?! Are you making a pile? A garden? What's the scoop?

Sarah said...

YAY lists!!!
We are making a garden and are trying to find a place to get some good compost for cheap to liven up our current dirt a bit! Fun summer craft time it is! I'm also refinishing/repainting my porch!

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...