
Giving up control one wee wee pad at a time

 Our dog pees on the floor.  

We could choose to get upset about it (Which we have done plenty) 

- run to take her out at 6am in the morning

- stare down the puddle on the floor with frustration and regret 

- feel bad about ourselves that we didn't get up soon enough to avoid the unavoidable.  

- sopping up smelly mess pre coffee all while staring down the dog who did the deed, her smiling face and wriggling tail flailing around in euphoric excitement to see us and us - me - staring back exhausted and frustrated.

You gotta go you gotta go!

Well.  We've recently discovered a new option - Wee wee pads!  

Now we all get to sleep in, drink coffee and casually throw the door open at some point in the morning for Penny to sniff the snow. 

It just makes me wonder what other life changing solutions are right around the corner that I also may be beating myself up for every day, feeling bad about and not needing to...with work, with daily habits, with Covid.  Feeling I need to own or take care of or control in order to be a 'good person'.  Do things right.  Make things better.  Be safe. Be strong.  Handle the situation.  

This wee pad discovery has proven life changing as I spend a little longer outside while Penny sniffs around listening to the bird songs around the yard post coffee.

Pee happens!  I can freak out about it or I can accept it as part of life.  Enjoy my time with my wonderful fuzzy friend Penny, my beautiful wife and family, house that supports me, water that comes up from the ground and propane, electricity, even the wood chopped down by our new local friend Gordon that heats my home and keep me warm thru the night. 

and forgive and love and appreciate myself too a little while I'm at it.  Maybe someone else's whole day could be better if I had more wee wee pad options for life's tiny frustrations and large disasters.

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...