
Trading and Bartering

I've made a major financial decision among many in order to be ready for our year long travels.
This is not big news for most, because I'm a cheap skate, but!
A major question asked when you tell people you are quitting your job for a year is this:
How are you going to pay for it?
Good question!

Over the past 4 years since graduating from college, I've created a savings account. What? Saving money? This is crazy!

So yes, we have funds available, but in all honesty, most of this measly savings was not meant for this trip, but my future Chilean bakery business I'll be starting up in about 5 years from now.

Which brings us to today, or rather 3 days ago, when I made my most extreme, irrational decision ever and am going to stick to it!

For the next 6 months, I'm not going to purchase anything that won't be:
  • consumed immediately
  • improve our immediate quality of life
  • be used for the trip

That may not seem so specific but it is!

No purchasing of:
  • condiments (includes spices, herbs and mayo)
  • cookware
  • major appliances
  • canned beans
  • clothes non trip related
  • (ok, Mayo may fall under: necessity)
  • giant bulk purchases of things...like rice!
  • random stuff that comes up that you kind of want but don't really need
  • anything on clearance! (that's my weak spot, I'll admit!)
  • furniture
  • you get the idea

The one loop hole to this rule?
Trading and Bartering. If I don't pay for it, it doesn't count!

Just yesterday I traded a pile of books for a travel guide book on South Africa!
I traded a pair of pants for a pair of travel friendly Victoria Secret Sweat Pants!
The possibilities are endless!

I've also discovered a great project going on in Madison that is surprisingly popular!
It's called a TimeBank!
It's kind of like craigslist, but no money involved. You do some form of work for someone else and in return, you can get an hour of work from someone else, but it can be almost anything! Car help! A ride to the airport! Music lessons! Spanish lessons! Babysitting! Cool right?
It's all about the giving and the taking. I just finished my orientation this week, so we'll see how it goes! No money is involved, just connecting with your neighbors and community. It's a cool idea anyway, and keeps Sarah centered on the goal.

Goal = trip = save lots of money

Eye on the prize my friends!!! I'm on it!

So, if you are feeling the itch to trade in some stuff for some other stuff, let me know!
Hello moving weekend! Curbside hunting here I come!

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