
all grown'd up

You know you're a grown up and not just growing up when you......
(and "you" refers to...well.."me"!)
  • think your parents are cool....like...you hang out and stuff
  • put plastic up on your apartment windows to save energy
  • wear a bike helmet, because you can't afford not to
  • enjoy comfy cotton underwear.....long johns.....big thick socks.....flannel anything....
  • notice that first little wrinkle in the crease beside your eye...you point it out to your husband and he says..."Oh!  WOW!!!!  Oooh!"
  • start to try to collect funds for rainy days that's prepared for a hurricane 
  • stop really caring what other people think of your....well...anything
  • pluck that first grey hair....
  • better yet....pluck that first, second, third and hundredth hair that's where it shouldn't be!
  • talk to people younger than you, they open their mouths and you smile in compassion and keep your mouth shut....they won't get it til they're your age
  • start to dream of dental insurance and the thought of it is more exciting then concert tickets
  • can poke your own flab and make it dance
  • would rather stay in with a good book and a tea then consider the possibility of a beer at a bar in the cold at night
  • forget how old you are
  • bend to pick something up and something inside of you creaks like an old house

I'm old.
Thanks winter for making these things so blatantly obvious to me! 
Here's to hoping spring hurries itself up and comes soon to warm up my decaying spirit!!!!


Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

When you are old like us, saving money is our "fun", isn't it? And I am SOOOO with you on the staying in to read rather than going out in the cold for a beer.

Gary DeVore said...

Dear Sarah welcome to getting older! Yup your definitely getting mature. Not all bad but sometimes not great as you point out some of the draw backs but pretty good really. Dad

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...