
making every minute count

I've gotten a bit lazy...and now I'm both realizing it mentally and physically!

I miss that feeling when we were living on the edge, knowing in my bones all the time that we were doing the right thing.  It was our one chance to do whatever we were doing and if we had to starve for three days, or sleep in a ditch, or wake up at 3am to catch a plane, or talk a stranger into giving us directions, by jove!  We were going to DO IT!  It was about survival and basic needs being filled in order to meet that greater goal of "Chance of a life time." They were words to live by...screw time, money and all the odds and ends that keep things from happening, we were going to make them happen!!! 

Looking back....we did it!  What confidence and charisma!  Way to tackle something huge and succeed! 

I miss that feeling.
Now....every minute is more like every other week or month...if I feel like it....setting goals and making them happen just seems like too much work.

There's something about life being so easy and accessible that makes me want to curl up in a ball on my couch and watch t.v. and eat crap.....or perhaps this is simply called the month of February in Wisconsin?!?

Well, whatever it is, I need to work on getting my edge back and working towards building up my dreams once again!  Pushing ahead and making things happen!  Cue chest beating and manly grunts of bravery!

I've been gaining a bit o' weight.  The pants aren't fitting quite right...no bueno.  I feel tired much of the time and working at a bakery isn't exactly a good influence on my dietary intake...to quote Rodolfo, "bread is easy!"  It doesn't take much time or effort to make a sandwich or a delicious warm panini in my case (I looooooove grilled cheese, what can I say?  It's my down fall!)

I started working at the bakery with a secret dream, to start up my own bakery in Santiago some day.  I had hopes to work hard and diligently for these wonderful people in hopes of learning the ins and outs of bakery/barista work....I've definitely been putting in hours of labor serving/creating/baking/cleaning, but have I been growing in my overall knowledge?  I don't know.

This post is more of a personal wake up call to myself.  Spring is a comin' and with it, the awareness that time doesn't stand still.  It's time to put on my game face and put forth the extra effort and assertiveness that it takes to make my dreams happen......these are long term goals now, not the day by day achievements of seeing the Eiffel Tower or the Pyramids....this kind of dream is day by day, but I can't lose that inner drive of making every moment count.

If you have any personal tricks up your sleeves to keep yourself motivated and in the game, please feel free to share!!

1 comment:

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Sarah, I am pretty sure you are a goal oriented person like I am...right? What I do to keep motivated is to set myself a small goal, write it down, make a spreadsheet and then BLOG about it. Then I make a point to keep myself accountable by doing whatever I made a goal for and then doing a weekly (or monthly) blog post about that. There is nothing worse (or better) than having someone else knowing what your goals are to keep you doing what you need to do. Or I will enlist the help of a friend, even a far away one, where we tell each other our goals and then check up on each other to make sure we are doing it.

Anyway, stop eating so much bread! Haha. Good luck!

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...