
Gringa Shock - El Asado

This is pretty much the definition of manhood in Chile.
If you can't grill a piece of meat with wood charcoal and a hole in the ground and/or piece of rounded metal, you are not a man!

The imfamous Chilean barbecue experience!  Probably the best reason to be in Chile....if you eat meat!

Ladies, this meat cooking man is taken!

Me and Ignacio, aka - Senor Mayonesa.....
Ignacio grew up in Spain and paid attention to his mum in the kitchen!
Igacio can make a mean Aioli....
5 years ago I met Ignacio and tasted my first taste of heaven, AIOLI!  It changed my life forever, and just may have something to do with my love for Chile!

Man at work.  As it should be.

Being cooked on this wood charcoal slow cooking grill cleaned with wedge of onion....that's how you clean a grill here....grunt.....
Chicken and big giant pieces of beef...grunt grunt...

not pictured: Chorizo + pan = Choripan (bread and spicy sausage)
Longeniza is a more southern type of Choripan, also delicious!

Choripan: a type of spiced sausage you eat with bread, mayo and pebre!  Kind of like a fancy hot dog!

Pebre: a mix of chopped tomato, onion, garlic, cilantro, olive oil and salt....fresh salsa

The perfect condiment for a freshly grilled lightly salted chunk of slightly bloody beef...mmm....

A slightly bloody lightly salted piece of pure bliss....

this calls for a belly rub!

Pan, pebre, mayonesa, carne....heaven.

But the best part of Asado?

that would be this!


Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Haha. I missed all that. I was a vegetarian when I was in Chile. Maybe I need to go back as a Carnivore.

Hey is that Rudolfo's brother in the bottom photo (middle guy)? If not, it looks just like him!

Sarah said...

Yes, you do have to come back! Eating meat is critical in understanding the "Chilean experience!" and that IS Rodolfo's 19 year old brother with a chicken bone in his mouth...they sound and look a lot alike! and then seeing Rodolfo's dad, it's a bit spooky!

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...