
sometimes mums get eaten

There's a lot outside my control right now and it's driving me crazy, so today I'm focusing on the micro.... of my yard.

My yard is teaching me that there's plenty I have NO control over and there's nothing I'm going to do about it, like leaves falling off the trees and weeds growing in the garden.  You rake em, more fall, you pick em, they grow back!  I had a hilarious moment of trying to blow leaves off the grass in a wind storm and had a good laugh at myself.  However, I really enjoyed wandering around the yard blowing leaves into the air.

Some of the problems I used to be afraid of aren't scary anymore....

The tree above our house I used to fear would fall on top of us - the old owners came to visit and  pointed out where they've added a metal connector high up in the branches to keep the tree from splitting in two and continuing its path onward and upward.  This is a well loved tree and no longer one of my pet peeves and more so something I cherish about the house...until it falls on us!

Some of the problems I thought were gone, aren't....

A new groundhog just moved in by the pond today!  HA!  I've reinstalled my ground hog solar powered noise makers and hoping for a 'don't bug us we won't bug you' neighbor policy.

Some of the problems don't really matter...

My mums are getting eaten - Choosing to look at this as a free trimming to make way for the new buds, they were at their peak and on their way out...no one likes watching flowers die right?



Some problems are fixable!

The solar powered twinkle lights went out in a storm but are back up and running 

...and then there's bugs....

Giant spiders, stink beetles, dead mice and slithering snakes have done their fare share to FREAK ME OUT ;)  However, I'm attempting to keep them at bay with some dried lavender from the garden under all the beds and closets after slapping one off my face in the middle of the night.

And things that eat bugs!  

4 blue birds have been prancing around gleefully, not pictured are the surprisingly fluffy looking bats that show up at dusk...turns out - we have a bat house on our property!


So, I guess my point is, I could and can quite easily focus in on the negative (have and will) of everything, but today, perhaps I can learn from my surroundings and accept that bad and good are relative and possibly unimportant compared to the bigger picture of wonder and awe looking up at the stars at night, learning new things about our environment and know that....  birds migrate, trees fall, leaves fly and bugs get eaten.  This too shall pass.  Let's all hang in there. 

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Gratitude day 2

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