
April Fools

**We are NOT moving to Africa**

For Chileans reading, that last blog might not make sense!  Whoops!

April 1st is an unofficial National holiday in the States called April Fools day where everyone lies to scare each other.  I'm extremely gullible and have been fooled so many times, I had to give it a shot as pay back for almost losing my lunch/freaking out year after year.

This is the equivalent here in Chile of December 28th - "the innocence joke" - Dia de los innocentes

According to Rodolfo, this day is derived in Chile from King Herrods "day of the innocent" when all the babies were ordered to be killed and got mixed into a pagan tradition of a day of playing jokes on people.
Chilean humor tends to be really dark anyway, so I guess this works...

At least Chileans have a clearer origin to their day of cruel jokes on each other, but still...ewww...

No.  We are boring.  No exciting adventurous moves for us.  Our next big step is to move back to the States, find jobs and an apartment where we can floss and make coffee...YAY!!!!!


Candace said...

"where everyone lies to scare each other" - this is the funniest explanation of April Fool's ever =)

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I want to floss and make coffee!

And darn it, I want to visit you in Botswana!

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...