

This blog is quite confused with itself.  If you've been reading along, you may be confused as well!

Bridal Blog: (2009)
It started because we got hitched.  Many friends of mine have made websites for their weddings, so I decided, cool, I should do something like that!

and S&R (Sarah and Rodolfo) was born....aww....

Big Adventure Blog: (2010)
Then!  We decided to travel.  It seemed pretty darn logical to just keep it going!  I already had everything set up, and what a great way to keep in touch with friends and family while we were on the road with limited phone/internet/telepathic communication, what the heck!  Why not?!?  It worked great!

My friend Kyria (whom we met in Malawi) is still on her adventure and has been writing some incredible stuff at Travel Spot!  Check it out!  I'm enamored with it.  I looooove hearing about the little things  - people, food, transportation, difficulties, great experiences - from traveling.  I know how hard it is to keep on updating information while in the thick of things in far off lands and Kyria does a great job....hats off to her!

Buena vida en Chile Blog: (2011)
Now we've been living in Chile since December and I've found myself obsessed with Chilean culture.  I've been lucky to really sink into the Chilean way of things while I've lived here with a fascination for the details which I love and also drive me crazy!  I think this happens to anyone who moves for a longer period of time to another country....there is the immediate culture shock and then as you start to believe you are getting the hang of things, little things begin to pop out at you every day to remind you, yup, you are an odd looking duck!

It has helped me to reach out - interwebly - to fellow gringas living here in Chile to read what life is like for them here as well!

Just smile and nod - on expat life in Valparaiso, who has also kindly linked my blog to hers...thanks!  (I'm so sorry about your house fire....ugh!)
Don't call me Gringa - on expat life in Santiago
Kyle Hepp - a very talented wedding photographer here in Santiago...I've become addicted to her wedding photos...it's like a little bridal high!
Abby's Line
...and many others I randomly find and catch up on....

These bloggers have really helped me over these past months in feeling a little bit less like the only silly gringa wandering around in the unknown, which is nice!  Granted there are plenty of tourists/study abroaders, but living here long term with perhaps a Chilean significant other places you in a slightly different category.  You're not affiliated with a university, you're not hanging out with fellow 20 somethings in a dorm....becoming a significant other in part of a Chilean family is awesome, but intense!  Think My Big Fat Greek Wedding....to a midwesterner, it can be a bit of a "AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I've morphed from wedding to travel to expat life....all serving the purpose of helping you...my lovely wonderful friend and or family...?or perhaps future friend?....know what the heck is going on with us!  Good!

When we move back to the States this coming May marks yet another transition into a new stage of life for us....I guess I'll leave it up to the blog to decide what it wants to become from there...no use worrying about it now!  Just like me, the blog really doesn't know quite what it wants to be when it grows up, because I don't quite know yet what is coming at us!

So....keep reading, I'll keep writing, all will continue rocking!

1 comment:

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Hey thats ME! Thanks for the shout out. We are almost done. Boo + Yay. I don't know what to think.

So you will be back in MAY? So will we! What's next, I wonder.

Keep up the good work. I love reading your blog!

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...