
"make believe"

sometimes in the morning, Rodolfo and I sit and stare at each other in our jammies for an hour or so while drinking a coffee and go:

...blah blah blah blah blah....

You know how Mr. Rogers had a land of make believe?  A dream world where anything is possible, grown ups dress up in funny costumes and dreams come true, problems get solved, the world is happy!

Well....that's what we do...."make believe".....it's been going on for about a year and a half now and every time we do it, it seems to make us feel better.

You see, we have no clue what we are doing...today, tomorrow, next month, next year, we have no lease to pay, no car to pay, no car insurance to pay and no job to pay it!  (which works out well, right?)

So, in the same way perhaps other people sit and discuss their dreams of visiting far off lands, eating exotic foods and receiving fancy back massages before heading to work, we sit around in our jammies at (sometimes) 10:35am talking about our future coffee pot....let me explain....

For simplicity:
S - Sarah
R - Rodolfo

R: Where is our dish set anyways?
S: I wonder where we put our t.v.?
R: Should we keep the rice maker or live simply?  Kitchen gadgets are overrated, right?
S: Do you remember that wine vacuum thingamajig we had?  That was cool!

It's not only the material objects we dream about, there's also the future apartment we will some day have and it's where abouts...

R: I definitely want a guest room!
S: Should we live in Minnesota?
R: No.  The East Coast!  But where?  North Carolina perhaps?
S: But then we'll need a car....

Which leads of course to....
R: Should we buy a car?
S: What if we end up moving somewhere where we don't need it?
R: What kind of car would we get anyways?  Small for good mileage or big for a future stroller?

and that leads to...
S: Well that means getting a job.
R: We can't really pick up our things, get an apartment or buy a car until we know where we are going to work!
S: I guess we really shouldn't worry about any of this until we find jobs somewhere....
R: Perhaps we should start looking?!?

and right around then, coffee hour is adjourned.
We return from the land of make believe
and it's time to go take showers and make the bed.

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