
1 stop away

We are 2 minutes and 1 metro stop away from making it on time to catch
our train which leaves the Atoche station in 15 minutes.

I see Rodolfo checking his phone for ticket details. No biggie.
Everything is perfect until...

"Sarah! Wrong station!"

We are 2 minutes away from the wrong station. The station we need to
be at is 30 minutes away in the direction that we just came from!!!

We get to the 'other' station 5 minutes after the train has left, to
find out....

It ALSO stops at Atoche station, the station we had been heading to in
the first place!

We would have made our train if we had ignored our ticket. 3 hours and
18€ later, we've made it to Alicante Spain! Yay!!!

Grrrrr multiple train stations!
Yay beautiful southern Spain!

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Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...