
Les morts de Paris

Guess whose bones are buried here?!?

We have decided:

We would rather not be buried in a cemetary to get forgotten about and moldy for 100's of years...eww. Exceptions: We saved the world from Martian attacks, wrote "the" book or compose a generation anthem... then our grave might be actually cleaned in the future

It really sucks to be the dead guy used as a bench next to the other more famous dead guy. Legend says that people have sex next to Jim Morrison's grave. Imagine cleaning up the graves nearby... super eww

Proust has an extremely boring tombstone, so he's probably a bit jealous of Oscar Wilde around the corner, getting kissed all the time...

I felt a bit like dead people paparazzi searching around for famous people in a cemetary *flash - click* ok Rodolfo, where's the next one? (and we weren't alone!) Although, I have to admit, as a free activity in Paris, pretty interesting stuff!
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Unknown said...

Yeah you guys look like your still having fun... 'Garage Roof 1/2 done.
Love you. Dad

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I am glad you guys are having fun and that you took our advice about the cemetery. Good stuff, eh? We used and abused the tent and then gave it to some Germans. On our way to India. Have fun in Europe!

Gratitude day 2

Penny cuddles  Working remotely and sleeping right up to 9am after a bad nights sleep A wife who reads instructions allowed while I throw IK...