
Brunch in Lyon

We stayed in Lyon with Rodolfo's amazing friend Sepu!
He introduced us to the world of Lyon's small shops and fresh markets, aka, real LIVING!
Boulangeries, Fromageries, ohmygod-eries!  There is a specific shop for every type of mouth watering food!

The melon, fresh eggs and  almond stuffed olives were purchased in the street market that morning, to the sounds of a French brass band across the street.

The pastry of pure love displayed in the center was found at Sepu's favorite Patisserie ...it consists of a croissant stuffed with chocolate and toasted sliced almonds on top.  Every biteful was buttery bliss!

Something the French are extremely good at is eating well!  The food that we have eaten in Paris, Clement and Lyon we will never forget!  Particularly the bakery and cheese!  My life (and hips) will never be the same!

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